Tuesday, October 4, 2016

I Went on a Date with Myself

A candle was lit in the kitchen, accompanied by low-light throughout the apartment. Garam masala permeated the air. The husband was away, and I didn't have to go anywhere that night. It was a relaxing night and perfect night for a date. A date with me, myself, and I.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Weekend Wrap-up

Greetings all! Since this blog is pretty new, I didn't want to over-saturate with too much content too quickly. Over the weekend, I decided to take a break and I managed to do some fun things!

1) I went to a French Bakery
This place is located not too far from my house. I pass by it on a regular basis, but I never really go in that often. Since the hubby and I were off Saturday (very rare), I decided to take him out to breakfast. Quiche Loraine, his favorite, was freshly baked that day, so he could not pass it up. A spinach and goat cheese quiche was calling to me, as was a little cherry dessert. These concoctions were sinfully delicious.
The Cherry Dessert. Since I can't remember the name, I will just leave this photo here